Isle Royale National Park: Duotones

Isle Royale First Impression: After a couple of hours crossing open water, we get our first look at the park, and the first impression is just as wild and mysterious as we'd imagined.

Boulder Creek, May 2015

Best of 2014

Here is a meticulously edited selection of my favorite photos from 2014. These are the images I created in 2014 with the most impact, the most emotion, and in several cases the most color.

They represent the best moments in the best places I made it to last year and the times I was most effective in communicating a sense of place and the drama of the moment.

Of course, now I'm wondering, how do these images stack up against the best of 2013, or against my all-time greatest hits? Are any of these images strong enough to stand the test of time?

"Best of All Time" sounds like another ten week editing project. Hopefully I can publish something else in the meantime.

Best of 2013

That's not a typo. These really are my best images from 2013. I've been doing a lot of editing recently and thought, before I bring out the best of 2014, I'll go back to the recap I missed.

I ended up with a few more than the customary ten or twelve images only because I couldn't stand cutting what I considered to be weaker images in favor of images that have all ready appeared on this blog. I do believe less is more, but I couldn't help myself. I decided on an even mix of all ready been published on this blog and never before seen images.

It's a fun challenge to distill an entire year of images down to a handful of selects. It can also be a bit disappointing; I thought I had more and better images. I'd love to know what anyone else thought about this collection. Which are the four weakest images? Which are the strongest?